Can You brine Bacon in a stainless steel pan?

Can You brine Bacon in a stainless steel pan?

Can it be used to brine bacon for up to two weeks safely? Yep…. SS is good…. Dave Yep…. SS is good…. Dave Thanks, Dave. Your wisdom is only surpassed by your good looks! Stainless steel is fine, copper and aluminum are not. Same goes for making brine that requires cooking on the stove, use stainless, or an enamel pot.

What type of brine for 316 stainless steel pipe?

A contractor has installed a section of pipework, control valve, flowmeter and isolation valves in 316 stainless steel (may be 316L not sure). The duty will be saturated brine at ~10-20 degC.

Can I use a stainless steel pot to make brine?

Your wisdom is only surpassed by your good looks! Stainless steel is fine, copper and aluminum are not. Same goes for making brine that requires cooking on the stove, use stainless, or an enamel pot. Stainless steel is fine, copper and aluminum are not. Same goes for making brine that requires cooking on the stove, use stainless, or an enamel pot.

Can You pickle in a stainless steel pot?

The food grades of Stainless steel are 304 and 316. They are not magnetic. The process of forming them into a deep vessel to use for pickling might give them a very slight attraction. Not enough to hold even a refrigerator magnet. If you have a ss pot that is magnetic it won’t be suitable for pickling.