Does Google care about your GPA when applying for an internship?

Does Google care about your GPA when applying for an internship?

GPA only tells part of the story and more often than not, they don’t care about your GPA if you’re passionate about what you do and show this through other Should I still apply for a Google internship with a 2.6 GPA? Let me first mention that Google is one of the very few big companies that actually ask you about your GPA.

Should you put your GPA on your resume?

The rule or thumb or consensus that you only put your GPA on your resume if: You’re a recent graduate with less than 5 years experience or limited work experience Your GPA is 3.5 or higher. (Some sources say 3.0, but others constradict and say reporting a 3.0 average could hurt your chances.)

Is GPA a good predictor of future success?

Google did some research a while back and found that GPA was only a moderately good predictor of success right out of college. After several years of work experience it was a completely unreliable predictor of success. Also, few people in grad school care about grades. PhD candidates are evaluated on their research, not their coursework.