How do you make permanent objects in Minecraft?

How do you make permanent objects in Minecraft?

Permanent animated objects can be built using the Craft Construct feat. Unless an animated object uses a Construction Point to be made of another material, all animated objects are made of wood or material of equivalent hardness. Rules on animated object creation can be located at Building and Modifying Constructs.

Where can I find rules on animated object creation?

Rules on animated object creation can be located at Building and Modifying Constructs. Animated objects have a number of Construction Points (CP) used to purchase abilities and defenses in addition to those presented above.

How do you animate objects in D&D 5e?

All abilities presented below are from this source. Magic-users can create permanent animated objects in one of two ways, either by using the animate objects spell in conjunction with permanency, or by making use of the Craft Construct feat.

What is an animated object?

An animated object is not simply one monster, but a whole category. Stats are included here for Tiny through Colossal animated objects (with Construction Points that have not been spent to gain additional abilities), but any object can become animated, most commonly via the spell animate objects.