How does Aldi test its fruit and veg?

How does Aldi test its fruit and veg?

When testing our fruit and veg, ALDI takes all kinds of measures to ensure maximum freshness. For fruit like strawberries or kiwi fruit, we use a refractometer to measure “sweetness and sugar” levels, ensuring each bite is as sweet as the last. ALDI also uses a penetrometer to measure the feel and crunch of fruit like apples, pears and stone fruit.

Which vegetables are always on the Aldi shelves?

Vegetables that are always on the ALDI shelves include the humble potato, healthy kale, forest green broccoli and much more. No matter the season there’s always plenty of fresh produce available to buy at ALDI.

Why choose Aldi fresh food?

So when you pick up a crisp apple or a beautiful head of broccoli in store, you’ll know that it’s at its peak sweetness, temperature, firmness and colour. Everything has been hand selected by ALDI farmers, ready to be enjoyed by your family. Fresh from farm to market is our guarantee. Maybe it’s time you tried our fresh vegetables and fruit.

What can you buy at Aldi?

Vegetables that are always on the ALDI shelves include the humble potato, healthy kale, forest green broccoli and much more. No matter the season there’s always plenty of fresh produce available to buy at ALDI. Fresh Produce Gadgets. When testing our fruit and veg, ALDI takes all kinds of measures to ensure maximum freshness.