Is draining a pool risky?

Is draining a pool risky?

Draining a pool is risky business for several reasons. Your pool is not meant to be empty. Whether you have a vinyl, concrete, or fiberglass pool, it is at its best when it’s full of water. Once the water is drained, you open yourself up to all sorts of damage, so drain a pool only when there is no other option.

Does pool water go into storm drains?

Depending on your local water regulatory laws, your pool water may or may not be allowed to enter nearby storm drains. For example, any water entering your yard from the pool absorbs into the soil, but the large water volume inevitably has runoff into side gutters that drain out to municipal storm drains.

What happens if you leave a pool empty for too long?

Do not leave your pool empty for long before refilling; the sun can cause damage to the finish and surface of a dry swimming pool. If you are going to drain the swimming pool, check the chlorine level first and determine if you might use the water to irrigate and water your landscaping and lawn.

What happens if you drain pool water on your lawn?

If you drain your chlorinated pool water on your lawn, the grass will suffer damage because despite the chlorine being diluted, the amount of chlorine in the water could be enough to alter soil pH and kill lawn grass. This is especially likely in large pools or those with water that’s not chemically balanced (contain too much chlorine).