Is Lantana considered an annual or a perennial plant?

Is Lantana considered an annual or a perennial plant?

The lantana (Lantana spp.) is a plant with clusters of lantana flowers that come in a variety of colors including white, red, pink and orange. Lantana is a perennial in USDA plant hardiness zones 9 to 11, advises Arizona State University. It can also be planted as a summer annual in USDA plant hardiness zones 1 to 8.

Is there a lantana that is a perenial?

There are hundreds of varieties of lantana available in a wide range of flower colors and forms. Some varieties are perennial, meaning they will return year after year, and some are annual. If you live above USDA Zone 7 all lantana will be annual, but still worth planting and enjoying seasonally!

Will Lantana survive winter?

When you worry about caring for lantana plants over winter, remember that lantana can grow outdoors all winter long in U.S. Department of Agriculture plant hardiness zones 9 or 10 and above without any special precautions. Lantanas need a frost free area to survive outdoors in winter. Click to see full answer.

Which species of Lantana is perennial?

Which lantanas are perennials? Lantana camara and Lantana montevidensis are the most common species in the horticultural industry. Lantana camara is often hybridized with several other species. There are some plants in the same family called Verbena that are perennial. Their flowers are often almost identical to Lantana.