What breeds make up a Cornish chicken?

What breeds make up a Cornish chicken?

Connecticut farmers Jacques and Alphonsine Makowsky bred the standard Cornish chicken with a White Plymouth Rock hen and a Malayan fighting cock in the 1950s. The resulting bird matures quickly, developing particularly large breasts and fatty skin that naturally bastes the meat, keeping it moist as it cooks.

What is a Rock Cornish Game Chicken?

Connecticut farmers Jacques and Alphonsine (Therese) Makowsky cross-bred the standard Cornish chicken with a White Plymouth Rock hen and a Malayan fighting cock in the 1950s. The result, dubbed the Rock Cornish Game Hen, matures quickly, developing particularly large breasts and fatty skin.

Can you buy Cornish Game Hen at the grocery store?

You can use Cornish game hen for almost any recipe that calls for bone-in chicken, but it does particularly well butterflied and grilled or roasted whole, either stuffed or not. Cornish game hen can be purchased at almost any grocery store that sells poultry as well as butcher shops and specialty food stores.

What does a Cornish Game Hen look like?

Rock Cornish game hens look like miniature chickens, and taste just about the same—not surprising since contrary to their grandiose name, they are actually just chickens. A Cornish game hen must weigh between 1 and 2 pounds, with the standard at about 1 1/4 pounds.