What do dance instructors say about conventions and abuse of power?

What do dance instructors say about conventions and abuse of power?

One dance instructor, who asked to remain anonymous out of fear of professional consequences, said she warns the children and teens she brings to conventions to be watchful and aware of the potential for abuse of power.

What do we know about alleged sexual misconduct at Toronto Dance schools?

A joint investigation by the Toronto Star and the Associated Press has found alleged sexual misconduct stretches back to the dance company’s early years, and involves some of its most prominent instructors — and Stroming himself.

What are the allegations against break the floor dance company?

Allegations of sexual misconduct first hit the dance company in October, when the Toronto Star revealed allegations of widespread sexual harassment and predatory behavior by Break the Floor instructors.

What went wrong at stroming’s Dance Academy?

But as Stroming grew the company from a dance convention into an industry powerhouse, he also allegedly perpetuated a culture of sexual misconduct and silence, where dancers were assaulted, harassed and manipulated, according to interviews with dozens of former and current staff and students.