What is the meaning of the word brick house?

What is the meaning of the word brick house?

“Brick house” is a complimentary descriptive referent for certain females which was coined by Shirley Hanna-King, the wife of a member of the R&B group “The Commodores”. According to that usage, "brick house" (also found as "brickhouse") [noun] is a curvaceous, "stacked", attractive female. hope this helps .

What does it mean when a man is built like a brick?

When referring to a man as well-built or built like a brick house, he is large and muscular. When used on a woman, it means she is comely and shapely. Despite the phrase’s disgusting reference, it is used as more of a compliment.

Why is it called a brick shithouse?

It was initially known as a brick shithouse, referred to as a small outhouse made of brick. Many often take offense when the term is used because social mores find the time vulgar and offensive. Women dislike it when associated with something as disgusting as a toilet and non-attractive.

What does “well-built like a brick house” mean?

The expression has a different meanings depending on its intention for use. When referring to a man as well-built or built like a brick house, he is large and muscular. When used on a woman, it means she is comely and shapely. Despite the phrase’s disgusting reference, it is used as more of a compliment.