What was the case of Tiernan V Barron?

What was the case of Tiernan V Barron?

Mayor of Baltimore | Oyez Barron ex rel. Tiernan v. Mayor of Baltimore Baltimore wharf owner John Barron alleged that construction by the city had diverted water flow in the harbor area. He argued that sand accumulations in the harbor deprived Barron of deep waters, which reduced his profits.

What was the significance of the case Barron v Baltimore?

The Harbor was involved in the 1833 Supreme Court case Barron v. Baltimore which decided that the Bill of Rights extended only to the federal government, not state and local ones. Although the Supreme Court has never expressly overturned Barron, the Bill of Rights has been selectively incorporated to the states.

What did John Barron argue was wrong with the Baltimore wharf?

Mayor of Baltimore Baltimore wharf owner John Barron alleged that construction by the city had diverted water flow in the harbor area. He argued that sand accumulations in the harbor deprived Barron of deep waters, which reduced his profits.

Does the Supreme Court have jurisdiction in Barron’s case?

The Court, therefore, does not have jurisdiction to decide Barron’s case. Indeed, the Court uses several examples from Article I, sections 9 and 10 to indicate that the intent of the framers, and the language of the Constitution, are directed solely at what the Federal government can and cannot do.