Why buy from a Ditch Witch dealer?

Why buy from a Ditch Witch dealer?

Your Ditch Witch equipment is backed by a worldwide network of dealers you can count on for unmatched commitment to your success. From genuine Ditch Witch parts to factory-trained service to expert advice, your Ditch Witch dealer has it all for you.

What kind of trencher do you need for a Ditch Witch?

Rental’s Most Requested Ride-On Trencher. With its direct-coupled, high-torque digging chain motor and Tier 4 engine, the RT45 is the ideal machine for digging the 4- to 5-foot (1.2- to 1.5-m) trench. Your Ditch Witch equipment is backed by a worldwide network of dealers you can count on for unmatched commitment to your success.

How big of a trench can a rt45 Digger dig?

With its direct-coupled, high-torque digging chain motor and Tier 4 engine, the RT45 is the ideal machine for digging the 4- to 5-foot (1.2- to 1.5-m) trench. Your Ditch Witch equipment is backed by a worldwide network of dealers you can count on for unmatched commitment to your success.