Why does my broccoli have spots?

Why does my broccoli have spots?

Another reason for the spots to appear is because of frostbite. The spots on your favorite vegetable. Could probably be the result of long exposures in cold temperatures. Frostbite causes the skin of the broccoli to discolor and as a result turns into brown spots. Broccoli is a versatile vegetable that it is can be grown all year round.

Is broccoli bad for you if it loses its texture?

Broccoli also loses its texture quite soon. If the florets are soft or limp, they are safe to consume but the texture may not make you happy. It is your call to keep it or toss it. The same thing goes for dark or brown spots.

Can you eat Broccoli with brown spots?

That’s why some broccoli might get frostbite. The brown spots created by the frostbite is still edible so don’t worry. And, if you’re still not satisfied or not sure what it is. You can always remove it with a knife or just scrape it. Don’t be afraid to dispose of your broccoli if you feel that the brown spot is not for you.

What does mold on broccoli look like?

Mold forms when the decaying process of foods reaches its peak. The brown spots on your broccoli might be mold, and this kind of mold is not edible. This kind of mold could appear as a brown or black spot on your broccoli. Either way, this kind of mold is dangerous to consume so be careful when cooking your meals.