What is the coloring agent in vaseline® glass?

What is the coloring agent in vaseline® glass?

The coloring agent in Vaseline ® glass is uranium which is mixed into the glass at the time of production. Since it is part of the glass, the uranium cannot rub off by contact.

What is the difference between uranium and vaseline glass?

Vaseline glass is a subset of Uranium glass that has uranium in it, but that is only yellow in color. from: Paulette Buongirno: “My husband fell in love with Vaseline glass when he saw a display at a local restaurant.

Is vaseline glass radioactive?

This is a good question that may concern other people with such glassware. The answer is that NO residual radioactivity will remain in your cabinet or dishwasher. The coloring agent in Vaseline ® glass is uranium which is mixed into the glass at the time of production. Since it is part of the glass, the uranium cannot rub off by contact.

How can you tell if vaseline glass is real?

The small amount of uranium dioxide not only gives the glass its color, but it also makes it glow. When you place a piece of glass you believe to be vaseline in a dark area and illuminate it with a blacklight, it should fluoresce bright green. If it doesn’t glow green, it’s not vaseline glass.